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时间:2023-06-25 20:34:54    来源:个人图书馆-rabitzn


张宁仁安 词 By Zhang Ning 五色丝绒裹艾康。 Good will was wrapped in Colorful silk. 辟邪驱疠疫、佩香囊。 A sachet hang on chest to keep from epidemic. 登阶平步入青冈。 I stepped onto the green mount, 遥见那、旗彩映霞光。 And saw the flags shine in the sunlight. 号令一声扬。 When the order was given, 龙舟飞箭出、鼓声狂。 Dragon boats shot out with violent drum. 竞波逐浪赛端阳。 They raced on Dragon Boat Festival, 悼屈子、沉玉汨罗江。 MourningQu yuan drowned in River Miluo. 20230620

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